Managing the Risk and Compliance of your School’s Providers of On-site Goods or Services (POGS)/Contractors, Volunteers & Facility Hirers.
SAM4Schools is a secure, online Risk and Compliance Management System that benefits schools and their providers of on-site goods or services (POGS) / contractors.
Our system provides the framework to establish and maintain an up-to-date Compliance Register for every provider of on-site goods or services (POGS) and contractors to a school. This enables a school to meet its workplace obligations and comply with current legislation, while providing their legal duty of care.
SAM4Schools streamlines compliance and reporting procedures, and greatly assists those responsible for the workplace health and safety of their school, such as: principals, assistant principals, business managers and leadership team members responsible for budgets, facilities and purchasing.
A school culture that values compliance and governance is the key to delivering trust and integrity. Building and maintaining this culture casts a protective net over your staff and students while satisfying legal requirements.
The school education framework in Australia is undergoing critical change, resulting in increasing pressure for schools to educate students while negotiating constant shifts in legislative, fiscal and economic requirements. Such challenges create greater expectations on your compliance and risk processes to protect your school from harm.
Risks are events, situations or circumstances that may lead to negative consequences for your school. Appropriate risk management strategies can minimise costly and stressful problems, and may also reduce insurance claims and premiums